Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor of Tehran University

2 Master Student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran


The study of social capital in Palestine based on Pierre Bourdieu's sociological model

(Case study: the novel Al Madinah Carnival by Nozeh Ramlawi)


Pierre Bourdieu is a contemporary French anthropologist who pays special attention to the capabilities of literature and depicting social situations. According to him, the strength of a person in different fields and the extent of his participation in the management of the field of power does not depend on a specific capital, but on the volume and combination of types of capital. Since Bourdieu's critical sociology, in addition to the objective and structural dimension, also pays attention to the subjective dimension of social life, it can provide the writers with the necessary capacity to recognize the types of social capital in the novel Carnival of Al-Madinah in order to make their audience understand the conditions. Let the Palestinian community lead. Therefore, in the present study, they have evaluated this novel with a descriptive-analytical method and based on Pierre Bourdieu's theory and analyzed it in four levels of cultural, social, economic and symbolic capital. The findings of the research show that the social capital of the Palestinian people has greatly faded and caused limitations and deficiencies in their economic and cultural capital. But the strong presence of love in family and national types is considered as a significant symbolic asset in the story. The fight against the occupation and hope to remove the root restrictions is another saving and promising factor in this story. In fact, the symbolic capital can be considered as an effective lever to face the personal and social problems of the characters in the story and the Palestinian people as a whole, in difficult and chaotic social conditions. Palestinian people as a whole, in difficult and chaotic social conditions

Key words: Palestine, social capital, Pierre Bourdieu, Al-Madinah Carnival, Nezeh Ramlawi.


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