The conversion to Islam and bay’at of the newly converted Muslims are significant to draw the relationship between the Prophet of Islam and Muslims. There are lots of records and researches which depict the different aspects of bay’at between men and the Prophet. Then, what is significant is to examine if the Prophet also took the bay’at of women and, if yes, under which conditions? In fact, the social presence of women at the advent of Islam is the question the paper is to answer. This study is to explore the way the bay’at stimulated women to convert to Islam and abide by that. The principal questions the paper is to answer are: 1) What are the main periods of time and places that women did the bay’at with the Prophet?, and 2) What is the relationship between the women’s bay’at and their stimulation to convert to Islam?. The hypothesis, here, is that Bay’at is the subject under the Muslim women’s conversion to Islam. Women actually did use bay’at to indicate their affection and loyalty to Islam and the Prophet. The studies show that there is a direct relationship between doing bay’at and acknowledgement of and abiding by Islam. Women’s bay’at with the Prophet has occurred in different stages in Mecca and after the Prophet’s immigration to Medina. It even can not be limited to any specific place, time or person, and the converted women to Islam were looking forward to doing bay’at with the Prophet. He obliged the converted women to do bay’at after the conquest of Mecca, but it is not reported him to urge women to do so in any other episodes of the history of Islam.