Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of History

2 Funeral Dktrtarykh university student

3 PhD student at University of Islamic history


Kharijite as one of the groups in the first and second centuries, had a respectively certain attitude toward women. They have offered quite different views of woman and her participation in social and political issues including, marriage, treatment toward female prisoners, women in battles and women caliphate, which took influence of looking at surface and appearance of Quran and ideas of people of the Book and Islamic sects. Kharijite who were raised in the context of Islamic community, had more freedom for women in political and social areas, compared to other contemporary groups. This refers to certain political conditions in that period of time where the Kharijite have been. Kharijite have allowed women marry to infidles and Mavali. They also opposed to captivity of women and get bondwoman in war. Kharijite women have also active presence at battles and were the first who have allowed women caliphate in Islamic period. In this research we examine four political-social approaches of Kharijite toward women in an analytical- descriptive method (marrying to infidles and Mavali, treatment toward female prisoners, women in battles and women caliphate issues).
