Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, University of Tehran, Iran

2 MA Student of Dramatic Literature, University of Tehran, Iran


Bahram Beizayi can be regarded as one of the few contemporary Iranian writers with a specific style since 1960s. He is a person mostly recalled to be a director and playwright. However, a remarkable part of his activities which has not received the attention is his method of screen writing. It can be claimed that his screen plays have not yet been studied as well as his plays. The current research tries to study three screen plays of Beiza’i within the theoretical framework of Maureen Murdock named The Heroine`s Journey, which is a new approach to Joseph Campbell’s model of analyzing the characters as the mythical travelers. The three screenplays considered are Sag-Koshi (Killing Dogs), Eshqâl (Invasion), and Haqâyeq dar bâreye Leylâ doxtare Edris (Facts about Leila, Edris’s Daughter), and tries to show that Murdock’s model may be applicable to the heroines of these three screenplays.


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