Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Culture, Art & Communications, Tehran, Iran


This article is a study on the religious approach of pre-Safavid Iranian Muslim miniaturists to female depiction based on Quranic verses and other religious narratives. This article is to find the way of visual reflecting female admired qualifications based on Islam view at original and novel miniatures. Assuming that mentioned visual reflection is based on Quranic and religious narratives or Hadiths which have been a source revelation for that era outstanding miniaturists, the theoretical literature of this paper is mentioned religious texts which have been analyzed based on this approach. The analysis of these works shows that image of female at original Persian miniature masterpiece and outstanding master works, before affecting by Western art effects, describing a position and stance for female existence which is compatible to religious and Quranic teachings. Based on this approach the Muslim miniaturists managed to depict divine mercy and beauty with coverdness in depicting women and protect the women sanctity even at depicting most private interactions of women. Scrutinizing at bushfully depicting women by referring to old and original miniature works which can help in managing the complexities of this issue in current Iranian media and visual productions is the contribution of this paper.


Main Subjects

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