Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Public Administration, Member of Young Researcher Club, Qaemshahr, Iran

2 Associate Professor, University of Mazandaran (UMZ), Iran

3 Master of Management, President of Mazandaran Province Airports, Iran

4 Ph.D Candidate, Member of Young Researcher Club, Qaemshahr, Iran


Organization citizenship behavior is a useful valuable behavior manifested by individuals voluntarily. Thus, in the challenging world we live in, organizations seek competitive advantages by employing individuals who act beyond their tasks. In facts the main purpose of present research is explanation and evaluation organizational citizenship behavior culture components among women. Statistical population of present study includes 105 employees’ women of Mazandaran province’s education and training organization. Data is collected by using standard questionnaires. Data analysis was done by SPSS and LISREL software. The results of binominal test demonstrated that organizational citizenship behavior and all of evaluated dimensions, namely altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, consciousness, and civic virtue placed in desirable status and the results of structural equation modeling demonstrated that models’ totality upheld and showed that there was significant relationship between organization citizenship behavior and its components.


Main Subjects

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