Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Hormozgan University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of Isfahan, Iran


Nowadays, the audience plays a key role in the interpretation of cultural products including movies. Thus, discovering how the audience make sense of and interpret things can lead us to the social world underlying such interpretations. Women are among audience who could have different readings based on their cultural and generational experiences and background. Based on the interpretive paradigm, the present study aims to address the question: how would the female audience of two different generations interpret the movie Two Women? The study adopted an interpretive paradigm based on group interview as the research strategy. To this end, two groups of women from two different generations aged 20-30 and 45-55 years were selected purposively as the participants and were interviewed in two distinct groups. The interpretive analysis of the data revealed two different readings by the two different generations in terms of personality traits and the fate of the film characters at the textual level and in terms of such concepts as patriarchy and identifying with characters at the contextual level. However, the two groups converged in terms of their meaning making based on the conflict between tradition and modernity and the interpretation of events based on this dilemma.   


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