Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Literature Institute, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Master Student, Literature Institute, University of Tehran, Iran


In a sociological review of novels, the connection between structure and content of the story studied by considering the conditions and changes in society and environment in which they are created, and the modality of artistic reflection of the society in the world of the literary work is reviewed and analyzed. In this article, the authors present an analysis of the works of the famous Algerian female novelist called “Ahlam Mosteghanemi”. As a writer, she is romantic, but she deals with social and cultural situation in her country relying on community-oriented romanticism. She deals with many issues such as women’s rights, cultural poverty, social instability and conflict between tradition and modernity, and also describes the wounds and injuries imposed on the society through the colonialism. Based on the results obtained from this descriptive- analytical research, we come to realize that she could open a horizon to knowing different angles of occupation in Algeria, liberation wars at this country, results of colonization and mustiness of Arab communities. She also tries to keep her obligation to romanticism, using an emotional tone. Although her works have a critic tone, they are drastically different social realism.


Main Subjects

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