Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Sociology Department, University of Yazd, Iran

2 M.A. in Sociology, University of Yazd, Iran


Family institution is very important among social institutions. One of the most important aspects of a marriage is the consent of the partners in the marriage experience. Various factors including lifestyle, the way couples communicate with each other affect marital satisfaction. The current research aims to study the relationship between life style with marital life satisfaction among married women in Yazd thereby presenting solutions to improve it. The method of this research was survey and population study consisted of married women in Yazd in 1393 and the sample size according to Cochrun’s formula was 383 women. The sampling method was cluster sampling and data collection technique was questionnaire with suitable validity and reliability. Results showed that the amount of satisfaction was average and women’s life style is healthy and it had a meaningful relationship with marital life satisfaction. Regression analysis showed that the dimensions of physical health, social health and psychological health explained 51.2 percent of dependent variable.


Main Subjects

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