Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Art Studies, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran


This study concerns to analyze femininity identity by psychoanalysis approach of Lacan. Psychoanalysis is certainly one of the most areas of debate within feminist artists. The main question of this research is: “How does video art show the femininity identity?” So, initially we tried to categorize different influential concepts of Lacan’s psychoanalysis which is necessary to get to know his attitude about gender. Video art is one of the new media arts born after World War II. Video is a medium which come to challenge other media in different subjects. In this research, we have explained how video art has tried to show the femininity identity in contrast with the other media like cinema and television. The main concern of this study is exploring the ways in which female identity is constructed and mediated through the art of video art. Therefore, some videos have been analyzed according to Lacan's theory. In this way, a women video artist Pipilotti Rist (1962) has been selected. Rist made lots of works about the female body by concentrating on color and sound. I'm not the girl who misses much, Ever is over all, I couldn't agree with you more and Be nice to me are the videos analyzed by Lacan theory about gender identity in the article. By analyzing her, it can be known that video art changes the position of women and it changes the language and structures of dominant display.


Main Subjects

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