Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Iran


There are opponents and proponents in the new debate on feminine and masculine literature. Opponents emphasize nonsexual nature of literature, and feminist and proponents of research from different perspectives have arrived at the conclusion that feminine and masculine literatures are different. In order to find the answer to the question “does gender affect literature”, we examined and analyzed the subject with different biological, psychological, sociological, linguistics, and literary approaches, so that different aspects of feminine and masculine literary differences can be demonstrated. A literary work is the product of mentality, language, and the impact of gender on it firstly depends on two main factors. On the one hand, the intrinsic female and male differences, as the most primitive factors, impact creating mental, behavioral, intellectual, and linguistic differences in literature, and on the other hand, the gender differences in social and cultural construct, which have caused prejudice, inequality, and domination of men over women. A collection of these differences has led to creation of different mental world, worldview, experience, thought, vision, language and writing of women and men, and has revealed reflection of differences in literary works at some levels of linguistics, style, context, theme, and different type of expression.


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