Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

2 M.A. in Sociology, Islamic AzadUniversity, Kerman Branch, Iran


Marriage in each of the different regions of Iran is affected by the ethnic and religious beliefs. Polygamy phenomenon in Sarbaz in under debate because inside of this tradition some modernization factors also being establishment. According to this incompatibility, polygamy in the field of mental health is studied in this paper. In this study 300 men who have one wife and polygamous has been studied by using cluster sampling method in terms of mental health questionnaire (GHQ), social health questionnaire (Keyes) and Family Health (McMaster model) were studied. The results of ANOVA showed that the averages of mental health (anxiety, depression and anger) among the men who have 3 or 4 wives are decreased significantly. The averages of social health (social Integration and actualization) among the men who have 3 or 4 wives were lower significantly. Also, the average of acceptance rate was not significantly different among these 3 groups. Family health in polygamous families in terms of average turnout empathetic and emotional bond is significantly lower than in monogamous families. For conclusion, to reduce the impacts of psychological and social polygamous lifestyle on men, family therapy and professional services recommended.


Main Subjects

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