Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Master of Sociology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Nowadays, in discourse of cinema, movie poster is one of the inseparable parts of showing movie. These posters are influenced by their own social and political discourses of the time when they were produced. The current paper aims for description and interpretation of social and political changing contents of the Iranian cinema blockbuster of the past fifty years. For this purpose 47 movie posters have been chosen from the best-selling movies of the past 50 years movies of Iran, moreover, Gillian Dyer’s semiotic analysis has been used as a content frame. Reporting of paper is based on changing process. Generally, the results show that movie posters are influenced by social and political discourses of the time when they were shown. It means that gender, age, hair and body covering, size, emotion expression, position, gesture, and the objects which were placed in posters, all are influenced by modernization of Mohammad Reza Shah, Islamic revolution, Iran and Iraq war, and consumerism represented in the contents of movies.


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