Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in Linguistics, University of Guilan

2 Assistant Professor, English Language and Literature, University of Guilan

3 Associate Professor, English Language and Literature, University of Guilan


One of the ways to study linguistic changes in society is to study the cultural products of the community, such as stories, novels, musical productions, films and series. Furthermore, gender, particularly gender representation of women is the media interest with a significant role. Representation of women is different in different cultures. The way of portraying a woman is influenced by the particular cultural look at its role and stance. The objective of the current paper is to investigate women's representation in Shahrzad series from the perspective of Sociolinguistics. To this end, sequences of the series which are closely linked to the subject of this research, namely gender-based linguistic interaction, have been selected and analyzed using the Barrett's three-dimensional semiotic analysis method, woman's representation, and the linguistic status of women against men from the perspective of Sociolinguistics. The most significant results show the representation of the type of linguistic control by women and the men language superiority to the inferiority of the women language. The inferiority as a result of women linguistic absence as well as their sexuality in linguistic communication is influenced by the ideology of patriarchal discourse in society.


Main Subjects

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