Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Education, Department of Education. Tabriz University

2 M.A. Graduated in Human Resource Development, Department of Psychology and Education, Tabriz University


Changes in lifestyle and its contributing factors to some extent resulted in delayed marriage or no marriage as one of the fundamental problems of today society. The problem is more frequently observed in graduate students. The objective of this study is to examine the girls lived experiences of graduate students of Tabriz University of late marriage. This study was conducted based on the qualitative approach using phenomenological method. Participants in this study were 22 delay marriage girls who were selected by the purposive sampling. Data were collected via in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The transcribed interviews were analyzed based on Strabert and Carpenter method. Five main themes were achieved from the experiences of the people. The factors are including the economy, education, culture, cyberspace and the consequences and outcomes. Some Sub-themes are the role of the socio-economic issues,  false beliefs and traditions, and virtual spaces. These factors have caused widespread late marriage that has consequences such as depression, Delaissement, anxiety of alone, and humiliation. Some strategies such as promotion of Islamic lifestyle can be improve this phenomenon.


Main Subjects

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