Document Type : Research Paper


1 Archimyth, Dialogism, Visual Arts, Qajar Art, Shirin

2 Associate Professor of French and Latin Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Master of Crafts Department, Faculty of Art, Al-Zahra University


The dominant archimyth of the culture and the arts of each society formulate dialogues that direct cultural trends and artistic creation in that society. During the Qajar period, the arrival and promotion of Farang archimyth in Iran caused a significant development in the field of culture and art. One of the most frequent and influential manifestations of such a transformation in illustration, and especially in women illustration, was the "other" concept of this period. Therefore, this study chose the character of "Shirin", who is a personality with high-capacity for becoming "other" and "Farangi" in that period, studied the dialogue (Bakhtin) of the dominant archimyths on the art of Qajar period. This study sought to answer the question that, in a society influenced by different influences at one and the same time, how is the influence of the archimyths on the formation and evolution of a great mythical icon? For this purpose, the evaluation of the existing images from the scene of "Shirin’s bathing" by the method of intertextual and interdiscursive analysis has led to the conclusion that in the Qajar period between the three Farang (Western), Iranian and Islamic archimyths a dialogue has been established in which the Islamic archimyth has the role of mediator between the two other archimyths. It provided the basis for the dialogue, but eventually the time has passed and the dialogue has intensified and the Islamic archimyth has left it. 


Main Subjects

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