Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The image of women in Iranian cinema has always been represented in various genres. From the feminist discourses that seek to portray the existing discrimination against women in each period to the genres that refer to the role of women in the war years and beyond, each has addressed this issue in some way. In the meantime, however, less payment has been made to women in a particular religious ideology. "when the Moon Was Full" is one of the few films that represention the image of a woman in a religious ideology (Taliban group) in the form of a love story. Therefore, in this article, by combining Bart's semiotic analysis method and his analysis narrative, we will seek to explain and represent the image of women in this film. The results of the analysis show that the director of the play, with the dramatic narrative of a senior member of the Taliban, seeks to show the ideological impact of thinking in which no obstacle can lead to the achievement of the sacred and lofty goal of the Taliban. This image is narrated from the Taliban ideology that a religious man must even go through his wife (mistress) and child in order to achieve his goals, and their preoccupations should not stop him from carrying out the missions that the Taliban group has planned for them. As a result, the image of women in this group is considered a worthless asset against the values and goals of the Taliban and even an additional obstacle to achieving them.


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