Document Type : Research Paper


Master of arts, Faculty of art, Al-Zahra university. Tehran, Iran



the coffee painting is a style of painting that began by the painters of the school . one of the characteristics of the coffee painting arts is the presence of women in these pictures . women have less position in this painting and have not been studied so far . the purpose of this study is to study the characteristics of women and their presence in the coffee plantations of house in hossein and agassi . in this regard , the present study seeks to answer these questions : how is the visual characteristics of women in these pictures ? the method of this research is analytical and data collection method is library type . the results indicate that women as a dynamic element in agassi 's paintings are present and have a high place with islamic - iranian coverage in the composition of works . in his works , women are more considered in epic forms , women in his works are depicted as heroic and masculine , while preserving women 's identity . in shahnameh , women play the main roles and play the most important role of men , but this does not mean that they have never had a significant impact on the process of playing the role of men . these women are wisdom , wisdom , wisdom . in this paper , it is concluded that using visual cues to influence the audience in the works the main character of women have formed . to use these symbols to visualize a different discourse in the meaning of their works on the role of these women .


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