Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran


Derived from the integration of feminist and ecological thoughts, ecofeminism approach considers the patriarchal cultural hegemony as a factor on the one hand in the lower position of the poor-kept people, including women, and on the other in war as well as the selfish destruction of the ecosystem. It believes that the awareness, self-confidence, and empowerment of women, besides their return to natural originality and gender agency are the causes to simultaneously save both women and nature. In the novel Pruning, in the post-war widowhood, the women hurt by the male violence of the war try to develop themselves as well as the nature suffering from the war through forming a small female colony (Zanestan in Persian) on a devastated remote island. The present research conducted by descriptive method and deductive content analysis was mainly aimed at explaining and interpreting the intellectual links in the novel Pruning with the components of the ecofeminism philosophy. The research achievements indicate the simultaneity of identity awakening and self-belief, and subsequently the empowerment and agency in the women of this story on the one hand with saving the earth and with reviving the nature on the other hand. The ecofeminism approach believes in the roles and such an approach calls women for their transcendental growth and environmental protection.


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