Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Culture and Communication, University of Guilan


Proverbs as one of the most important elements of oral literature can be a reflection of the beliefs and attitudes governing society. One of the important topics of social research is how women are represented in culture and oral literature. In this study, we try to get a relatively clear picture of the position of women in Gilan society by examining Gilaki proverbs. This study is a descriptive-analytical study by analyzing the content of four books: "Dictionary of Proverbs and Terms of Gil and Dilam", "JadkeftehGaban", "Proverbs and Terms of Gilaki" and the book "Gilaki Proverbs" which contains 4562 proverbs east, west and center of Gilan, 182 proverbs have been counted related to the subject of research. To analyze the data, thematic analysis method and proverbs with common and similar themes were used. The following five major categories of images of positive aspects of women, image of negative aspects of women, woman as inferior element, woman as superior element and woman as equal element. They were categorized and analyzed in relation to men. Findings show that the image of women in the culture of the people of Gilan is diverse and multifaceted and although in some of the proverbs women are represented as a weak and inferior element, but a significant part of the proverbs emphasize on the superior or equal role of women to men in society.


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