Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Islamic Azad University of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran


The present study is conducted to investigate the influence of in-store mannequin models (with or without head) on customers’ buying decisions and visualizing the clothes on body, having an eye to the role of customers’ knowledge about fashion as a moderating variable. Moreover, the investigation process is based on 2×2 factor analysis and a defined scenario. The research sample population consists of female university students, and the investigations are done with participation of 160 female students possessing knowledge about fashion. The research data are collected using a scenario-based questionnaire that includes texts and pictures. The process of data analysis, also, is based on Variance Analysis and Regression Analysis methods. The results showed that mannequin type and customers’ knowledge about fashion have a basic and interactive influence on buying decision and visualizing the clothes on body, and the influence is significant. Particularly, head-less mannequins and higher level of customers’ knowledge about fashion may intensify buying decision and encourage the customers to visualize the clothes on their bodies. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that the more the customers visualize clothes on their bodies, the greater would be their intent to purchase, and the indirect influence of mannequins with head on customers’ decision to buy is reduced by visualizing the clothes on body.


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