Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Social Communication Sciences, Soura University

2 Associate Professor, Institute of Cultural and Social Studies, Ministry of Science

3 PhD in Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University


This study attempts to examine the characteristics of motherhood according to the role presented by mothers on Instagram. It also examines the lifestyle and other aspects of the lives of supermoms and their followers. To achieve these objectives, we used netnography and direct observation. The results of the thematic analysis include six main themes as follows: “the presentation of perfect motherhood”, “the aestheticization of motherhood”, “the reproduction of traditional patterns of motherhood”, “the presentation of the ideal self”, “the stylization of everyday life”, and “the presentation of the happy family with the desired relationship”. Supermoms attempt to reshape the image of motherhood as a desirable role through aestheticization. The ideal and deceptive image of motherhood presented by supermoms on Instagram, though it may be unattainable for other mothers, has created a new image of motherhood. Just as they provide a new image of motherhood, they do not necessarily challenge traditional motherhood. Rather, this image is a continuation of the traditional motherhood pattern, but in a new guise. Although motherhood still means sacrifice and love, and is semantically no different than it was decades ago, Instagram mothers acted differently in their maternal and personal identities, as well as in their parenting.


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