Document Type : Research Paper



In contemporary times, the role of women in the art of painting has played an important role. One of the female contemporary American artists is Mary Beth Adelson, who recreates the works of art of the past with the faces of women and protests against the absence of women in the history of art. In her works, which are based on the element of femininity in the image, there are signs of women's art thinking in reconstructed paintings of women. One of these paintings that is studied in this research is the Last Supper painting, which has been reconstructed with a piece of the face of women artists in the contemporary world. Lucy Lipard's theories are used for the basics of research, which are based on aesthetics and feminine form. In this study, the work of Adelson's Last Supper is studied analytically with Ara Lipard, a theorist in the field of women's art. The present research is qualitative and the methodology of this research is comparative and the method of collecting research information is based on the library method. The questions in this study are: What is the form of femininity in Adelson's Last Supper, and is it compatible with Lucy Lipard's theory? The purpose of this study is an analytical study on the works of Akif and its adaptation to Lipard's theory of female form. The results of this research show that in Adelson's last supper, femininity is the main subject of this painting, the image of contemporary women artists has been used and has replaced the companions of Christ. He reconstructs the face of Christ with a painting by Georgia Akif, one of the pioneers of women's art in contemporary art. This work is similar to Lucy Lipard's theory of feminine form in terms of feminine form,


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