Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd. Student in Philosophy of Education, Departmant of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Phd of curriculum Development, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

3 M.A Student in Philosophy of Education, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran

4 Associate Professor of Psychology, Human Sciences Faculty, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran.


The aim of the present study is to investigate the components of philosophical thinking in the book Family Management and Lifestyle (especially for girls) in the twelfth grade of the second year of high school. The method of this descriptive research is content analysis and the information society including a volume of the second year high school textbook in the academic year 1399-1400 and the research tool of the content analysis form according to the criteria of philosophical thinking Component) is. In this way, after identifying the unit of analysis and the desired components as criteria for analysis, the book was analyzed using the technique of William Rumi. In addition, chi-square test was used to determine the distribution of components in the content of the book. According to the analysis of conflict coefficient (ISE = 0.94) obtained from the content of the book, it can be stated that the attention of the family management and lifestyle book (for girls) of the twelfth grade of the second year of high school to the components of thinking Philosophically, it is relatively desirable (engagement coefficient less than 1) and semi-active. Also, the result of Chi-square test (Sig: 0.006, Chi-Square: 26.316) showed that the distribution of components in the book is significantly unbalanced. So that the cognition component with 5.36% frequency has the highest frequency and the decentralization component with 2.42% frequency has the lowest frequency in the components of philosophical thinking.


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