Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Shahrekord University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Shahrekord University, Iran.


In the present era, attention to the identity and culture of each nation has a special place and clothing is one of the most important characteristics of any society’s identity, constantly changing in terms of style and fashion. This change of style occurs most often between women's clothing. In many cases in Iran, the design of women's clothing has been influenced by global fashion, or in other words, the western culture. Therefore, the present study tries to revive the identity and ethnic values, adding creativity to women’s clothing, namely their gown. For this purpose, the capabilities of the patterns of the elastic bergamot rugs and Qashqai quasi-modeler, one of the original designs of this people, have been explained in the design of women's daily coats. The main questions asked in the present study are: In what scientific way can the designs and motifs of Qashqai rugs be used in clothing design? And what are the solutions for applying the designs and structure of Qashqai rugs in Iranian women's social clothing? This research employs a descriptive-analytical method, based on library resources. It has proceeded with the method of Scamper creativity model which refers to seven basic techniques of substitution, composition, adaptation, reinforcement, other application, deletion, and inversion. Finally, the results have shown that the designs of Qashqai rugs possess the ability to be sewn or decorated with different techniques based on the scamper pattern, both in design and execution. In the design of gowns, the solutions lies in the designs being used as monographs, the overall structure of the design or part of it in both design and sewing and execution.




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