Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS graduated in Futures Studies, University of Isfahan, Isfahan

2 MS graduated of Sociology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan

3 Researcher in National Research Institute for Science Policy of Iran


The realization of any desirable future in Islamic Republic of Iran depends on women's participation as half of the social actors. Examining women's sense of belonging to the future can be a step towards obtaining social hope. This could be achieved by futures studies’ concepts and methods. One of the future research approaches is to extract and analyze the images of the future. The research method of this paper is thematic analysis to extract and analyze images of the future in the mind of women born in the 1980s. The data have been obtained from 15 semi-structured interviews of female professors in Isfahan and extracted subthemes and themes after the coding stages. Finally, the main six themes that are the building blocks of the future images of these women's minds are as follows: 1. "Waiting for the best future", 2. "Gender future", 3. "Human age", 4. "My government", 5. "The future that I do not want", and 6. "Lack of social future". According to this research, the realization of any kind of future depends on the comprehensive critique of the status quo and the expansion of a new form of women's participation in creating the future due to making a sense of belonging to this future. The strategic recommendation of this research is the "impressionability" of policies and policymakers from such images and the "influence" of those on future policies on these themes to lead to the creation of a sustainable future.



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