Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences. Razi University. Kermanshah Iran

2 teacher of razi university


Criticism of the position of women in Libyan society is one of the characteristics of the novel " Bread on Uncle Milad's table", the selected novel of the 2022 Arab Booker and written by the contemporary Libyan writer Mohammad Al-Naas. This novel contains a significant number of female characters and expresses their conditions, opinions and thoughts in a society with a patriarchal culture and a gendered view of women, and with bitter descriptions of the women in the story and their fate, it considers the root of their helplessness to be patriarchy, which prevents their talents from emerging. will be Due to the reflection of the critical view of Mohammad Al-Naas in the context of the mentioned novel and in accordance with the critical aesthetic view of the Frankfurt School that art and literature should fight with the existing conditions with a negative and oppositional approach in order to reach the desired conditions, we decided to write the novel Based on this theory, let's examine it in a descriptive-analytical way. This article is an attempt to analyze and examine this critical point of view. The findings of the research show that Mohammad Al-Naas's point of view is compatible with the critical approach of the Frankfurt School and it shows that he has criticized their situation in society with the objective of informing the society and improving the status of women, with an opposing and negative point of view. By creating a contrast between traditional and modern women in her story, she criticizes the ruling patriarchal system and the oppressions that have been inflicted on women, and with the help of male characters against the patriarchal system, she tries to inform the women and men of her society about their position. A woman and her prominent role in the family and society.


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