Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D. in persian literature, Shariati Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shariati Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran



Metaphor as a symbolic and indirect language carries added and hidden meanings. Traces of gender metaphors and stereotypes can also be traced in interpretive narratives. In this research, the interpretive stories of three Persian interpretations of Rouz al- Jannan , Jala al- Azhan and Manhaj al- Sadeghin are the basis of the work. In this article, narratives that have used gender metaphors or whose content is reminiscent of gender metaphors have been selected, and then, using the qualitative content analysis method, the value of these metaphors and their relationship with gender stereotypes have been examined. Metaphors such as "the bride of the Qur'an"; "Kaab's woman"; "bed"; "Biot"; "Atbah" and "Denya" are examples of gender metaphors in these narratives, which some of them have a positive value and some others have a negative value. The most important results of this research are that most of the negative metaphors about women are formed around the role of a woman as a wife or sexual partner and emphasizing her physical aspect. These metaphors are influenced by common gender stereotypes that have a negative value . On the opposite point, most of the positive metaphors are formed around the role of mother and qualities such as kindness, creativity, originality and beginning in the role of mother . Also, this research shows that the female body is represented in two aspects: "heavenly body" and "infernal body" that the female heavenly body is a symbol of complete pleasure and benefit, and the female infernal body is a symbol of deception, sin, representation of Satan and adultery . Despite Sharia's efforts to disapprobation misogynistic attitudes, the prevalence of gender metaphors about women in different historical periods has not been significantly different among commentators and these commentators have shown their gendered attitudes consciously or unconsciously during the narratives.


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