Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Candidate Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, Shahid Rajaei Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

2 Full Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, Shahid Rajaei Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


Due to the increased presence of women at home, unfavourable living conditions affect them disproportionately. This situation makes it essential to consider their lifestyle, needs, and preferences when designing housing. This exploratory study collected data through the utilization of qualitative research techniques, including semi-structured interviews and observations. The cohort comprised twenty women, ranging in age from 20 to 40, who were intentionally selected from Tehran province. Using the MAX QDA software, the interview data was coded. Additionally, diagrams that were oriented toward behavior and space were constructed. The findings highlight the pivotal role of rooms within residential spaces in women's lives, and it revealed that the contemporary social, economic, and cultural conditions of Iran have shaped a distinct lifestyle among women in this age, significantly impacting their housing preferences. The perceived environmental attributes of young women—“efficiency and functionality, beauty and order, privacy, flexibility and adaptability, cleanliness, and hygiene”—are crucial design elements for rooms in residential apartment units. Furthermore, physical characteristics including illumination, ventilation conditions, heating and cooling, the number of bedrooms, interior furniture and its arrangement, texture and color of materials, window views and their exposure, lighting, room size and other proportions, spatial configuration, noise pollution, ventilation conditions, and heating and cooling systems are also taken into consideration. In order to accommodate the lifestyle of young women, it is critical to contemplate appropriate areas for sleeping, working, and leisure, while also guaranteeing personal seclusion and integrating personal preferences and cultural sensitivity into the design of the room.


Main Subjects

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