Document Type : Research Paper


1 LiteratuHamedan . Bu-Ali Sina University. Faculty of Humanities. Department of Persian Language and Literature.

2 Hamedan . Bu-Ali Sina University. Faculty of Humanities. Department of Persian Language and Literature.

3 Hamedan . Bu-Ali Sina University. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Department of Social Sciences.

4 ,Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Babolsar Branch, Mazandaran University,Babolsar, Iran



Iran's social developments in the last hundred years and the connection of Iranian women with the modern world, along with the acceleration of globalization and modernization, have caused some changes, including the revising of Feminine identity.
The manifestation of Iranian women's rethinking of individual and social identity is observable in society and, as a result, in the novels of the last few decades. Fariba Vafi is one of the successful Iranian story writers who pays special attention to issues related to women and family. One of Vafi's concerns in his works, including in the novel "A Secret in the Alleys ", is the Iranian woman's identity.
The current research, with a descriptive-analytical approach, examines the components of female identity and life in the novel " A Secret at Alleys" and issues such as identity crisis, wandering between modern and traditional identity, and retrieving and revising of feminine identity. The present research based on the view of social psychology studies the components of female identity and life in the novel "A Secret in the Alleys" and uncovers causes such as dreams, feelings and emotions, needs and desires and women's reactions to situations. In this novel, along with narrating the three generations of women's lives, the author deals with female identity and its related topics, such as identity crisis, recovery and revision of female identity, and Iranian women's transition from traditional identity to modern identity. The heavy shadow of all kinds of violence, especially by men towards women, can be seen throughout the novel. In this novel, the author criticizes the dominant gender stereotypes and ideology of society and emphasizes the need to revise the identity of women and their role and position in the family and society, consciously and avoiding extremes.


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