Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of Art , Hamedan Branch , Islamic azad University , Hamedan , Iran.

2 PhD student in art research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran branch.



The paintings of Iran Darodi, a contemporary Iranian female painter, which are created in the surrealist and symbolism style, would be a suitable platform for archetypal criticism. For, one of the fields of archetypes manifestation are artworks including paintings. From the point of analytical psychology view; archetypes are common, repeated and abstract concepts between different human societies that are rooted in the deeper part of the psyche in the collective unconscious and are reflected through the individual's consciousness and unconsciousness in fantasies, legends, dreams, delusions and artworks in the form of symbols and Myths.
In fact, these symbols and myths are containers expressing archetypes, and via reading them, one can get to know more about the deeper layers of the human psyche. In this research, we will analyze the symbols of archetypes in three cases of Iran-Darroudis′ paintings, in order to answer the question of what is the role of the collective unconscious effect through the reflection of archetypes in Darroudis′ paintings. The purpose of this research is a new analytic with a different approach for a deeper understanding of the inner layers of Darroudis′ paintings. The research performed qualitatively on descriptive-analytical method. Collection of topics would be library base and observation as well. The results bespeak that the manifested symbols of sky, earth, ruins, flowers, pearls, and light are the main bold elements in Darroudis′ art works, which represent the archetypes of mother/woman, sky/father, ascension, and marriage.


Main Subjects