Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran



Shohalter's approach, known for its critique of the current state and tradition of women's writing, provides a platform for examining women's literature through the lens of gender differences. Shohalter analyzes literary content and structure by considering biological, linguistic, psychological, and cultural factors. The protagonist of this story is a lonely woman who is unjustly driven away from her home due to false accusations by her husband and becomes a wanderer in Tehran. In the novel, male characters, collectively or individually, play a role in the protagonist's tragic fate, while female characters, despite their futile efforts, strive to support her. The author creates an imaginary place called "Goran" to depict the historical oppression of women by a male-dominated culture. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of Iranian women's writing in the novel "Peyadeh" using Shohalter's fourfold approach through a descriptive-analytical method. The results demonstrate that topics such as pregnancy and childbirth, relationships with men, maternal attributes, and connections among women can be examined from a biological, psychological, and linguistic perspective based on Shohalter's framework. Furthermore, a notable stylistic feature of the text is its unique blend of native Iranian narrative style, combining third-person and first-person perspectives with the utilization of emotional sentences, reminiscent of storytelling among Iranian women


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