Document Type : Research Paper
M.A student,Kashan University
The present article aims at giving a formative psychoanalysis of Iran cinema in the 2000s.It
seems that all distinct moviesin this decade have been produced in an atmospherethatwasa
representation of everyday-life and living ethics of middle class citizens. Drawing on the
movie “how simple it is” directedby Reza MirKarimi (2009) as a typical sample of discursive
formation, the present study aims to analysis a representation of everyday-life of the urban
middle class, which in this decade turned into an Iranian culturally problematic issue.
Utilizing its internal narration, this film indicates that “objet petit a” is penetrating through the
everyday-life and within the “objet petit a” there are reasons formed which have directed the
everyday affairs to the path of the unconscious affairs of subjectivity. The purpose of the
present study is to expound the “objet petit a” based on a psychoanalysis perspective.
According to the way the movie represents the subjects, this research also intends to show
how the everyday-life of the subjects mainly dominated by women is constructed and how
“objet petit a” involved in split subjects plays a key role in the current everyday-life.