Document Type : Research Paper


ssistant Professor, Payam Noor University, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tehran, Iran


With the advent of Ilkhan (Mongols) in Iran, the art of illustrating book was officially formed and, from this period onward, this art prospered. Great Mongolian shahnameh, the painting masterpiece of Ilkhanid era, was illustrated in Tabriz as the first courtly illustrated edition during the time of Abu Sae'd Bahadorkhan; gradually afterward, other illustrated editions of Shahnaneh came into being. The purpose of this paper is to identify the social dimension of the great Shahnameh, and in particular the role and place of women in the pictures. The Author, using sociological approach, seeks to explore how art has reflected society. According to different adventures of this Shahname, 58 pictures of Shahnameh have remained that are scattered in museums and collections around the world. In this regard, 52 pictures of this Shahnameh are analyzed by analytic-descriptive method. Analysis tool is reflection theory in sociology of art. According to findings of the research, as women in Il Khanid era have special position and standing in the history of Iran, such that this era is known for equality of men and women, women are seen impressively and distinctively in pictures as well. These appearances in scenes with courtly themes are highlighted and the way of women's appearance in pictures is consistent with their life style. Thus, once again it's clear that the art works as a product of social values and beliefs are associated with their time.


Main Subjects

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