Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Sociology, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Expansion of cities in modern times with special complexity on one hand, and the issue of public areas and spaces, and possibility and quality of presence of women of these spaces on the other have given rise to the emergence of women and cities in literature of urban sociology. Within the context of urban areas men and women are unequal. With the constant struggle to reclaim their right of space, women are forced to negotiate in various forms. The current research is qualitative in terms of method and semi-structured interviews have been conducted with 20 women from Ilam. The results show that feminine body is one of the most important restrictive factors, and fear of aggression and rape keeps women away from urban areas. Urban environment architecture has not considered an appropriate space for women with children and housewives, as well as, the special physiology of women which is considered a determinant factor of women’s lack of access to these areas. On the other hand, social and cultural factors in city are very important which consider women’s presence as socially constructed- a condition which makes women dependent on their husbands or children or other family members. 


Main Subjects

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