Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in TEFL & Educational Psychology, Department of English Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics, Department of English Language and Literature, Golestan University

3 MA in Linguistics, Allameh Tabataba’i University


The close relationship between language and culture can be understood from the analysis of language and culture in historical knowledge, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and psychology. The fact that language and culture are inextricably interconnected can help examine the pivotal role of the language of a speech community to get significant information about its culture. Conceptualization of an overarching field of study can postulate how the realizations of cultuling (culture in language) can be entrenched in a language. Thus, the aim of this present study is to investigate the “patriarchy” and “matriarchy” cultulings in Persian movies from the viewpoint of Hymes’ (1967) SPEAKING model. This is a qualitative research to demonstrate Iranian culture and find the covert reasons of using the cultuling of “patriarchy” and “matriarchy”. To this end, the total 100 Persian movies from two decades of 1980s and 2010s were investigated based on the 500 extracted language expressions for each decade. The most recurrent cases of cultuling of “patriarchy” encompass signs of threatening, pride, anger, domination, order, sarcasm, wiggery, ridicule and contempt for the movies in 1980s. In contrast, the cultuling of “matriarchy” was delineated through decision-making, scolding, humiliating, wisecracking, attracting, complaining, showing anger, showing oppressed, pride, and ignoring for the movies  in 2010s. The findings revealed that the patriarchy role is less dominant from 1980 to 2020. In fact, the patriarchy has been replaced by matriarchy these days. This can be concluded that the frameworks have some implications for learners, teachers, and educationists who are interested in the culturology, cultuling, and cultural studies.


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