Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of communication

2 Allame Tababaie university


This study was conducted to study the representation of the concept of "women against women" in cinematic works. Qualitative work in the field of cultural studies that seeks to explain and analyze a particular set of conflicting actions displayed among women in Iranian cinema under the concept of "benevolent xenophobia."
Even if cinematic images are not devoid of bias, they can be a slice of social reality. For this purpose, four films from the total of films screened in the 90s have been studied on a case-by-case basis and analyzed by a combined method of discourse analysis and semiotics. The findings of this study show that in a historical and social context, Iranian cinema presents a picture of xenophobia among women, which marginalizes its repressive nature and emphasizes its benevolent intentions. For this reason, the characters in the films in this situation are mainly unaware of and tolerate the reproduction of discrimination against them by their homosexuals. This representation is generally considered to be everyday and natural and is depicted in the margins of the main theme of the film. the characters in the films in this situation are mainly unaware of and tolerate the reproduction of discrimination against their homosexuals.


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