Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Culture and Communication Soore Tehran Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Culture and Government, Faculty of Islamic Education and Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh (AS) University


The memoirs of the Holy Defense are one of the most enduring documents in the history of Islamic Iran.September 22, 1980 The Ba'athist regime in Iraq launched a military attack on Iran and the imposed war began. From the beginning of the war, women and men worked in the form of relief and support groups, which they took on and did until the end of the war. after the war, women fighters recorded their memories in the form of novels, memoirs and oral histories of the war. the present article examines how the personality dimensions of women fighters in the sacred defense are represented in 4 selected memoirs. these four books, entitled Sabah, Saji, The Bright Lights of the City, and The Most Beautiful Days of Life, while written with the focus on female personality, are up-to-date and effective works in this field.
The findings of this article show that the representation of women's personality can be classified into four meaning domains of insight, tendency, action and personality-building factors using thematic analysis method. In the field of insight, issues such as religious, moral and revolutionary beliefs can be raised and in the field of tendency, themes such as self-made, powerful, war-disgusting, curious and chaste spirits are mentioned. In the field of action, items such as aid, religious, revolutionary, military, cultural and religious activities are included.Finally, family-centered personality-building factors are emphasized.


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