Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD Student. of Arabic Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University,Sabzevar, Iran


Women's literature as one of the literary schools in the Arab countries, especially Kuwait, began in the fifties and reached its peak in the seventies to nineties. In the meantime, " Buthaina Al Eissa" as one of the activists in this field - with the publication of the novel " Under the feet of mothers" -" has been able to portray Women's problems and Kuwaiti society in transition with her literary pen. The salient features of the novel are polyphony and multiplicity of characters Female characters who appear alternately and the author narrates the sufferings of women from their minds and depicts the changes in women's society. It seems that " Buthaina Al Eissa" is trying to inform her readers about a change that is taking shape by raising awareness of the new generation. This research seeks to analyze the novel's female characters in a descriptive-analytical method and to depict their inner anxieties and desires. The results of the research show that " Buthaina Al Eissa" , has been able to express her feminist views and ideas in the novel " Under the feet of mothers " and confront the stereotypes of patriarchal culture by relying on her literary knowledge and writing skills. In this literary work, the author reflects the patriarchal and anti-feminist ideas of Kuwaiti society by creating different female characters, and reflects their two reactions of "surrender" in the older generation and "rebellion" in the next generation. Shows new features


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