Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of Kashan

2 University of Kashan


In the present study, the pathology of the media has been analyzed in three sets of local TV series of the Ilam Center. In order to pursue the above goal, the present study, based on the theory of representation and based on the semiotic reading of the converted text to the text, has tried to mean the semantic implications and cultural images that the series “Qal O Qawaleh”,”Bra O Bash” and “Harka ra khoi”. The analysis of the findings reveals several types of social-family-related concepts in the Illam Broadcasting organization: Making a dual image of the family, challenging differences, reproducing stereotypes based on respect for the tradition. Based on the results of this research in the traditional family, adherence to local customs and resistance to modernity has been portrayed as a value; In this family, the woman is usually "adoptive woman" and is the main decision maker of the man, and where the woman decides on an important subject, the result is abnormal. What's displayed in these series can be seen in the community. In other words, the direction of the provincial center of the center of Ilam in the studied series, focusing on the admission of masculinity and traditional femininity, and its emphasis on other masculinity and femininity, has been the form of representation during the years of the series of plays (2009-2013) Has dominated.


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